Ahmedabad’s connection to Rishi Dadhichi

We are thrilled Ahmedabad! We are going to share one more mythological story from our heritage city, Ahmedabad.

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It is believed that the ancient gurukul site of the Rishi (sage) Dadhichi was in Ahmedabad at the bank of river Sabarmati. In a present-day, this area is known as Dudheshwar, Ahmedabad.


Indra lost all the hopes of defending the demon Vritrasur after driven out from the Devlok by Asurs (demons). He stocked all the water from Earth so that the rest of the living humans, animals, birds including Devas (God) would die of thirst and hunger. And that way Vritrasur could become the king of Indralok.

God Vishnu revealed to Indra that only weapons made from the thunder-containing diamond bones of the Rishi Dadhichi could kill Vritrasur. Indra approached the Rishi and requested his aid in defeating Vritrasur. Rishi Dadhichi released life source from his body and donated his bones to make weapons out of it. Later, Brahma created many weapons including ‘Vraja’ from Rishi Dadhichi’s bone, whereas ‘Vraja’ was created from Rishi Dadhichi’s spine.

This way Rishi Dadhichi sacrificed his life for the noble cause of human beings. We would like to point out this here that the citizens of Ahmedabad are well known as Amdavadis and they are much known for their kind, loving, selfless and receiving nature.