Mandir Se Masjid Tak: Ahmedabad Heritage Walk

What would you do in Ahmedabad if you had just a few hours to explore? You can possibly explore every essence of the walled city of Ahmedabad by enrolling in our Mandir se Masjid Tak heritage walk which is considered to be the most effective one out of the lot.


Ahmedabad Heritage Walk

Ahmedabad Heritage Walk

We organized this walk on Sunday, 2nd December which was started from Kalupur Swaminarayan Mandir and ended at Jama Mosque. It covered every essence of the city like architecture, culture, tradition, religion , and food.

So what are you waiting for? Call us on +91 9586945245 to live through Ahmedabad with Experience Ahmedabad group.


Ahmedabad Heritage Walk

Walk Leader @ZalakTrivedi – Mandir Se Masjid Tak Walk

This photograph shows the dedication and passion of our walk leader @zalaktrivedi and photographer @260f12.
